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Discover Natural Peace and Balance with Ashwagandha Extract – 10 ML Order from Smartshop Planet


At Smartshop Planet we offer high-quality Ashwagandha Tincture, available in handy bottles of 10 ml herbal extract. Also known as winter cherry, this tincture is made from 100% organically grown Ashwagandha root, and contains 32% alcohol to retain the full therapeutic benefits.


What is Ashwagandha ?

Ashwagandha , derived from the ancient Ashwagandha plant, is highly regarded within the Ayurvedic tradition. It is an herb known for its natural calming properties and balancing effects on both body and mind.


Why Smartshop Planet ?

At Smartshop Planet we ensure that our Ashwagandha Tincture delivers a powerful dose of this unique herb in an easy-to-use liquid form. Our product is free from artificial additives and preservatives, making it a safe and natural choice for those pursuing a healthier lifestyle.


How to use:

Shake the bottle well before use until the contents are completely dissolved. Take the recommended dose one hour after a meal.

Low dosage: 3-5 drops per day.
High dosage: 5-15 drops per day.



Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if you have high or low blood pressure, heart and/or lung complaints, diabetes, pregnancy, or if you are taking medication, drugs or alcohol. Store in a dark and cool place.